"Are there ethical limits to what science can achieve or should pursue?" Moderation of this high-level panel at the 2019...
The Prize Marcel Benoist, awarded each year, is widely considered as one of the - if not the - most...
Journée nationale 2019 de la Ligue Suisse contre l'Epilepsie, à Lausanne, le 5 octobre 2019, sur le thème "Les perspectives...
This event, organized in Lausanne on 1 February 2018 by the Swiss Biobanking Platform, featured international and national experts sharing...
The 2017 Health Care Summit, organized by POLITICO and Le Temps, gathered European and global policymakers, industry leaders and key...
10 years anniversary event for the European Research Council, held at CERN on 6 July 2017, in presence of Robert-Jan...
Moderation of a Panel discsussion at the occiaation of the Swiss Physical Society meeting, under the theme: "CERN: 60 years...
On30 September 2013, the "Bosons & More" event for CERN people celebrated the success of the Open Days, and the...
Le 25 mars 2013, 25 représentants du réseau extérieur FRI sont venus en Suisse pour une visite de travail de...